Our Committee

Our Committee

Our Executive Committee is elected annually by club members at the AGM. Each Executive Committee member is assigned to a strategic portfolio aligned to their expertise and interests.

Our Committee is made up of volunteers, each with a family and jobs outside of water polo. As such, we'd appreciate it if you could restrict your communications to the appropriate person/people.

If you would like to contribute to the club as a member of the committee please get in touch at info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au

Executive Commitee  
President Vacant - please contact info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au
Vice President - National League Ross Payne
Vice President - Seniors (U18 & Grade) Annabelle White
Vice President - Academy (U12, U14 & U16) Jodie Pritchard
Vice President - Life Members Association Vacant - please contact info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au
Vice President - Juniors (Gunnamatta) Mark Mitchinson
Vice President - Officiating and Accreditations Leanne Lucy
Vice President - Schools Programs & Liaison Melanie Headley
Director - Finance & Planning Mathew Schweighoffer
Director - Marketing Luke Brbot
Director - Capital Works Vacant - please contact info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au
Secretary Karen Bonar
Public Officer Dunstan De Souza
Non-Executive Roles Name
Womens Head Coach Patrick Northam
Mens Head Coach Vedran Cirkovic
Bookkeeper Megan Hale
Equipment Officer Vacant - please contact info@cronullawaterpolo.com.au
Uniforms Officer

Please contact cswpc.uniform@gmail.com

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