CSWPC are required to manage payments and registrations for ALL SLC training sessions for the remainder of the year.
Parents & Players- you will only need to register ONCE for training for the rest of the year (yay!). This does NOT cover games.
Fitness Passport and SLC Multi-Visit pass holders do NOT need to pay but you MUST register.
Coaches, Managers and those only playing Grades 4-6 do not need to do anything.
All players will be charged $83 for an average of 2 SLC sessions per week for the next 7 weeks (end of Dec).
This equates to an average entry fee of $5.90- this is cheaper than usual- the club is subsidising the cost.
L18 & M18 not also playing Div 1 will be charged $65 due Div 2 games occaisionally impacting their training times.
This process is very complex for our volunteers, managing this on an individual basis is not an option. Because of this no refunds are available if an individual misses a training session.
If you are injured and cannot train for an extended period of time, we'll of course support.
We do not require payments until Mid November, so if you need to wait, please do so.